下面是查字典留学网托福频道整理的托福词汇:block ticket sale团购,欢迎阅读。
Each ticket will have a digital chip that identifies the purchaser to prevent re-selling the much sought after tickets and to help identify counterfeits. Officials said block ticket sales would be limited to corporate sponsors and youth groups.
显然,报道中的block ticket sales指的就是团购,block在此表示整批的,如:the big block sale (大量成批销售)、a block booking (团订、大批量预定)。此外,名词短语a block of也常用来形容大量、一组、一批,如:a block of time(一整块儿时间、比较集中的时间)。
值得一提的是,上段报道中还有一个很好的短语值得我们学习:ticket touting(倒票)。相应的,倒爷则可表达为a ticket tout(查阅更多有关倒爷、票贩子 的表达)。