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Task 1

图片:进入下半年以来,4 个月的时间只考了两道图片题,而且都是地图。虽然以后考生不用再像之前那样那么担惊受怕碰到图片,但总之还是有所准备的好,尤其对于流程图,只要他一天不出现,你就要时刻准备着。

图表:如预测所料,线图果然再次连场。9 月时线图曾经出现过一次史无前例的三连击,这次会不会历史重演?小编认为可能性不大。那么剩余题型中,各位考生就要重点注意柱图了,另外饼图可作为次重点进行准备,这两类图表在下半年的考试中各出现了 4 次和 3 次。

至于隐藏了 4 个月的表格题会不会突然诈尸,其实各位考生大可不必担心,因为如果你深谙图表作文破题之道的话你就会明白,表格和柱图的破题方法根本就是无差别。

Task 2

题型:参考最近半年的题型,小编发现了这样一个规律,5 月、6 月说明文嚣张了一阵之后,7 月偃旗息鼓。随后 8 月、9 月卷土重来,而 10 月再度销声匿迹。这一规律也许并不是偶然,所以 12 月的考生,做好面对说明文再次反击的准备吧。

话题:10-31 的题目难度虽然也不是太高,但是较之前一段时间的简单话题来说还是有了一定的提升。这有可能是剑桥官方提前放出的一个信号,毕竟又快到年关了,而就从最近两年的考题情况来看,接近年关的题目一般来说都绝非善类。当然小编也不确定今年会不会继续延续这个规律,但是各位考生还是有所准备的好。

具体到 11-7 的考试,根据最近两年的考题趋势来看,年关的考试一般会出现反刍的现象,就是一些年初时考过的低频话题会再次以类似的形式出现。那么今年的这个时候也建议考生按照这个规律适当准备一下。今年年初出现过的几个低频话题大致如下:青少年、老龄化、能源开发、当代文化、生活习惯、课内课外、媒体宣传、城市规划、现代科技。

1.Some people claim that public museums and art galleries will not be needed because people can see historical objects and works of art by using a computer. Do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

2.In many countries, average life expectancy has been increasing. What problems will this cause for individuals and for society as a whole? Suggest some solutions.

3.Many parents today do not spend enough time with their children. What are the causes of this? Suggest some solutions.

4.It will definitely be an unpromising company if the boss spends a great deal of money on his mistress, while, is extremely stingy with other staffs, such as Xiaoma. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

5.Some people believe that studying in a college or university is the best way for students to prepare for their future career. Others think they should leave school as soon as possible to develop their career through work experience. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

6.Some people believe that modern technology has given us more leisure time than before. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

7.Governments should control the amount of violence in the media. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

8.The science tells us that some activities are good for us and some are harmful to us, despite knowing that, millions of people all over the world continue with unhealthy activities. What is your understanding of this? What do you think could be done to address this?

9.In many cities, planners locate schools, homes, offices, shops in specific areas, which were widely separate from each other. Do you think advantages overweigh disadvantages?

10.Governments should make more effort to promote alternative sources of energy. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
