加州大学河边城分校(University of California at Riverside) 校园
国际教育周(International Education Week)以在自己的原住国以外的其他地方上大学的学生为对象。这些学生的求知欲正在帮助建设一个更民主、更安全、更繁荣的世界。这个星期,ShareAmerica将介绍美国为外国留学生提供的机会。
由国际教育学会(Institute of International Education)发布的本年度《门户开放报告》(Open Doors Report)的数据显示,选择工商管理专业的外国学生最多,其次是工程学。这些学生注重美国在创新及创业领域的声誉。
国务卿克里(Secretary Kerry)在庆祝国际教育周开幕的视频讲话中强调了国际交换项目多样化的重要性:人员的多样化,学位的多样化,以及教育机构的多样化。
在美国的外国留学生集中于加州(California)和纽约(New York)这样的科技和商业中心,但也常见于得克萨斯(Texas)、印第安纳(Indiana)和伊利诺伊(Illinois)等教育机会很多的地区。
International Education Weekcelebrates students who attend college someplace other than in their home countries. Their curiosity is building a more democratic, secure and prosperous world. This week, ShareAmerica looks at opportunities available to international students in the U.S.
Opening doors
In the last academic year, nearly 900,000 international students studied in the U.S. — a record number. Almost a third of them were here for the first time. Where did they go and what did they study?
This year’sOpen Doors Report, published by the Institute of International Education, tells us business and management led the fields of study for international students, with engineering in second place. These students are interested in the U.S. reputation for innovation and entrepreneurship.
(State Dept.)
In a video address celebrating the start of International Education Week, Secretary Kerry stressed the importance of diversity in international exchanges: diversity of people, diversity of degrees and diversity of places of study.
International students in the U.S. were represented in tech and business hubs of California and New York, but also in other areas where educational opportunities abound, such as Texas, Indiana and Illinois.
Meanwhile, of the 289,408 U.S. students studying outside the U.S., the STEM fields (science, technology, engineering and math) drew the most interest, with the social sciences a close second. The most popular destination region for U.S. students was Europe, followed by Latin America and Asia.
Exchange students’ role in the global economy
Studies show international experience is increasingly valued by employers everywhere. When students attend schools in another country, they cross socioeconomic, cultural, political, religious and geographic borders to engage in not just classrooms, but communities worldwide.
Secretary Kerry said recently, “Nothing brings about a common understanding more than effectively getting the chance to live in another country, see the world through another lens and forge friendships that can last for decades.”
Keep up with information about U.S. study atEducationUSAand learn more with other ShareAmerica stories onstudy in the USA. If you’re ready to start exploring your options, sign up for EducationUSA’s Online College Fair on November 19.Registrationis free, and you’ll get the chance to chat online with representatives of more than 150 excellent U.S. colleges and universities.