美国本科转学 一个很可能比申请研究生更好的选择_专业资讯-查字典留学网
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美国本科转学 一个很可能比申请研究生更好的选择


美国本科转学 一个很可能比申请研究生更好的选择1






本科转学,在美国大学官网上称之为:Undergraduate Transfer,只要进到美国大学官网,大家就能发现,在UndergraduateAdmission 中Freshmen申请和Transfer申请基本都是并列关系。只要你是在读大学生,没有获得学士学位(一般以大一大二为,大三大四情况比较复杂),成绩达到一定标准(不同档次学校标准不同),有SAT/ACT with writing(很多学校不硬性要求,比如Yale对本国无考点的学生可以免SAT或ACT,密西根大学安娜堡分校要求如果高中申请本科时考了SAT或者ACT需要提交,否则就不用提交,top30往后的很多学校则要求如果入学时已经读了两年,那么就不用提交SAT或ACT成绩),有语言成绩(国际学生,且没有四年母语为英语教学经历的需要提交托福、雅思、PTE之类的语言成绩)就可以申请转学。这个结论是很多很多学生和家长不知道,难理解,但又是事实的事情。



Stanford University

l Studentswho have enrolled either full-time or as a degree-seeking student aftergraduating from high school must apply for transfer admission.

l Studentswho are dual-enrolled in both high school and college programs should apply forfreshman admission.

l Studentsmust have a high school diploma or the equivalent in order to enroll atStanford.

l Transfercoursework must be completed at an accredited degree-granting institution;coursework completed in vocational, technical, performance or professionalprograms are not considered.

l Transferstudents are required to complete at least two years of full-time enrollment atStanford in order to attain a bachelor's degree from the university.

l Studentswho have already earned a bachelor's degree are not eligible to apply forundergraduate admission

Harvard University

l Bythe anticipated date of matriculation, students must have satisfactorilycompleted a minimum of one continuous academic year in a degree program at onecollege, and not more than two academic years of full-time college study.

l Studentswho have completed more than two years of college study with transferablecredit, and those who have earned a bachelor’s degree, are not eligible totransfer to Harvard College. Students may not choose to relinquish academiccredits or a degree in order to apply for transfer admission.

l Studentswho will have completed less than one full-time continuous year of study at onecollege by the anticipated date of matriculation at Harvard should apply asfreshman candidates. (All such applicants, if admitted, will matriculate asregular freshmen without any transfer credit.)

l Studentswho have completed one full-time year of college in a regular degree program inlieu of their senior year of high school (often referred to as dual enrollment)should contact the Admissions Office before submitting an application, butgenerally, if the courses were taken for credit toward a high school diploma,candidates should apply as a freshman.

l Studentswho are enrolled part-time are not eligible unless they have previouslycompleted one continuous academic year full-time.

l Studentsare eligible to transfer only from a liberal arts curriculum that is similar toHarvard’s. Candidates whose education has been in a vocational, professional,technical, online, extension, or performance program will not ordinarilyqualify for transfer admission.

Yale University

To beeligible to transfer, you must have a high school diploma or GED by June of thecurrent academic year, and at leastone year and no more than two years of transferable post-secondary-schoolcollege credit.*

l Ifyou are currently jointly enrolled in high school and college, you are noteligible for the transfer program, but should apply through the freshmanadmissions process.

l Ifby the end of the current academic year you will have completed less than oneyear of full-time college study*, you should apply through the freshman admissionsprocess. If you are admitted as afreshman, work done after secondary school graduation but before matriculationat Yale may be accepted (up to a maximum of two course credits) with theapproval of the appropriate director of undergraduate studies at Yale.

l Ifyou have received a bachelor’s degree (or the equivalent) or if by the end ofthe current academic year you will have completed more than two full yearstoward the degree, you are not eligible to transfer to Yale, nor may you applythrough the freshman admissions process. (You may not voluntarily relinquishcredits in order to qualify for consideration.)

l Ifyou are a non-traditional student and have taken a break from your educationfor five or more years, you may wish to consider Yale College’s Eli WhitneyStudents Program instead of the Transfer Program.

University of Michigan-Ann Arbor

l Studentsapplying to transfer must be in good standing, both academically and socially,at the institution(s) attended.

l TheUniversity of Michigan considers the college grade point average, the qualityand quantity of transferable college credit, TOEFL/MELAB scores (ifapplicable), and the quality of high school credentials (including grades,strength of curriculum, and standardized test scores) during the transferreview process.

l Thereare specific admissions requirements for schools and colleges. Some requirespecific course prerequisites, portfolios, and auditions, which are taken intoconsideration when evaluating applications.




Harvard University会Growth and potential,Interests and activities,Character and personality,Contribution to theHarvard community这4个点去考察。具体我们可以看看学校的细节提示:

Growthand potential

l Haveyou reached your maximum academic and personal potential?

l Haveyou been stretching yourself?

l Haveyou been working to capacity in your academic pursuits, your full-time orpart-time employment, or other areas?

l Doyou have reserve power to do more?

l Howhave you used your time?

l Doyou have initiative? Are you a self-starter? What motivates you?

l Doyou have a direction yet? What is it? If not, are you exploringmany things?

l Wherewill you be in one, five, or 25 years? Will you contribute something to thosearound you?

l Whatsort of human being are you now? What sort of human being will you be inthe future?

Interestsand activities

l Doyou care deeply about anything—intellectual? Extracurricular? Personal?

l Whathave you learned from your interests? What have you done with your interests?How have you achieved results? With what success or failure? What have youlearned as a result?

l Interms of extracurricular, athletic, community, or family commitments, have youtaken full advantage of opportunities?

l Whatis the quality of your activities? Do you appear to have a genuinecommitment or leadership role?

l Ifyou have not had much time in high school for extracurricular pursuits due tofamilial, work, or other obligations, what do you hope to explore at Harvardwith your additional free time?

Characterand personality

l Whatchoices have you made for yourself? Why?

l Areyou a late bloomer?

l Howopen are you to new ideas and people?

l Whatabout your maturity, character, leadership, self-confidence, warmth ofpersonality, sense of humor, energy, concern for others, and graceunder pressure?

Contributionto the Harvard community

l Willyou be able to stand up to the pressures and freedoms of College life?

l Willyou contribute something to Harvard and to your classmates? Will you benefitfrom your Harvard experience?

l Wouldother students want to room with you, share a meal, be in a seminar together,be teammates, or collaborate in a closely knit extracurricular group?

Yale University

Yale seeks to admit a small number of extraordinary transfer candidateseach year. However, no simple profile of grades, scores, and interests canassure a transfer applicant admission to Yale. The two to three percenttransfer admissions rate reflects space limitations at Yale and means that wemust deny admission to most qualified applicants. Diversity within the studentbody is important, and the committee works very hard to select a class of ableand contributing individuals from as broad a range of backgrounds as possible.

It isdifficult to state in general terms what qualities will improve a transferapplicant’s chances of success, because those chances are unfortunately quitelow, and we judge each application individually and holistically.

l Atransfer candidate’s academic strength is our first consideration. An applicantfor transfer admission should have an outstanding academic record. The averageGPA of admitted transfer students is usually 3.8 and above in a demandingselection of courses.

l Transfercandidates should also have particularly compelling and well-defined academicreasons for wishing to attend Yale.

l Wantingto leave one’s current school is not a sufficient argument for admission toYale. Transfer candidates should explain in their application essays howstudying at Yale would give them an educational opportunity particular to theirinterests that could be experienced nowhere else.

l TheAdmissions Committee also gives serious consideration to a transfer applicant’smotivation, curiosity, energy, leadership ability, and distinctive talents. Thepersonal essays and evaluations from college faculty members, deans, andsecondary school counselors provide a great deal of insight into thesequalities. We hope to find students who have made significant contributions totheir college and local community.

University of Michigan-Ann Arbor说的比较简单:

l Isin good academic and social standing at his/her prior institution.

l Hasa distinguished record of college work, earning a cumulative GPA of at least aB (3.0 on a 4.0 scale) or better.

l Hasearned sophomore or junior standing (preferably) with transferable creditearned at a community college or another two- or four-year college oruniversity.


1, 寻找潜力股,筛选最值得投资的年轻人(这几乎是所有美国优秀大学的目标)

2, 给本校现在的大学群体增加多样性

3, 实现教育公平性(这个主要是公立大学的着眼点,例如加州大学系统)

4, 弥补学生退学、休学、转走后的空位




关于第三点比较复杂一点,需要对美国本科教育体制有较全面的了解。美国的全职本科教育提供方式有2年制副学位,4年制学士学位两种,前者就是社区大学(既community college,大家习惯缩写为CC;虽然有一些4年制社区大学,但多数都是2年为主),后者又可以从资金来源方式分为公立大学和私立大学,或从培养侧重点分为文理艺术教育哲学和专门职业教育两类(前者多以LAC存在,后者一般在综合性大学惯称大U)。无论是2年制还是4年制,都有公立和私立两种形式。这样丰富的形式就可以让美国人在高中毕业之后有很多种高等教育的选择,通过公立体系解决大众教育的问题,通过私立教育实现个性化教育和精英教育。





1, 高考或者Freshmen申请录取结果不理想,对所读大学失望的学生

2, 大学专业不是自己喜欢的学生

3, 现在大学不能满足自己需求,学不到更多东西的学生

4, 不安于现状,想挑战新高度的学生




为什么说本科转学是个跳板?to be continue。。。。
