【瑞典留学网 - 瑞典留学费用】瑞典乌普萨拉大学学费
学校名称:瑞典乌普萨拉大学 Uppsala universitet
乌普萨拉大学(Uppsala University),是瑞典的一所国际著名的顶尖大学,坐落于瑞典古都乌普萨拉市。该市不仅是瑞典重要的工业、军事中心和铁路枢纽,而且是瑞典的文化、教育和宗教中心。
来自欧盟(EU)、欧洲经济区 (EEA)和瑞士之外国家的学生,在瑞典就读大学必须支付申请费和学费。学生们有义务支付他们注册的每个课程。费用包括申请费和单独的学费,不包括住宿、教学材料或生活费用。
所有非欧盟,欧洲经济区和瑞士的学生的申请费为SEK 900(瑞典克朗)。
医学, 药学, 科学和技术:
第1轮(本科生):SEK 130 000 每学年
第2轮(硕士学生): SEK 145 000每学年
医学院:SEK 240 000每学年
第1轮两种收费(本科生):SEK 90 000 或 SEK 110 000每学年
第2轮两种收费(硕士学生):SEK 100 000 或 SEK 120 000每学年
请注意,在 2014 年 7 月 1 日之前开始课程学习的学生,将继续支付2014 年 7 月 1 日之前适用的学费。
【瑞典留学网(ruidian.Liuxue86.com) - 瑞典留学费用】瑞典乌普萨拉大学学费
Students from outside the European Union (EU), European Economic Area (EEA) and Switzerland are required to pay application and tuition fees to study at university level in Sweden. Students are liable to pay for each course in which they are registered. Fees cover application and tuition alone and are not related to accommodation, academic literature or the general cost of living.
The application fee for all non-EU, EEA or Swiss students is SEK 900.
The cost of individual Master's programmes can be found by selecting the programmeyou are interested in and reading the information under Application and Requirements.
Programmes within the humanities and social sciences have two different costs depending on the courses that are given. Some courses are more expensive than others.
Fees for Studies (applicable from 1 July 2014)
Medicine, Pharmacy, Science and Technology:
First cycle (undergraduate level): SEK 130 000 per academic year
Second cycle (master's level): SEK 145 000 per academic year
Med School: SEK 240 000 per academic year
Humanities, and Social Sciences:
Two different charges at the first cycle (undergraduate level): SEK 90 000 or SEK 110 000 per academic year
Two different charges at the second cycle (master's level): SEK 100 000 or SEK 120 000 per academic year
Please note that students who began their programme studies before 1 July 2014 will continue to pay the tuition fees applicable before 1 July 2014 for the remainder of their programme studies.