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Education Philosophy

AIn 1660s, while there are few accurate statistics for child mortality in the preinduslrial world, there is evidence that as many as 30 percent of all children died before they were 14 days old. Few families survived intact. All parents expected to bury some of their children and they found it difficult to invest emotionally in such a tenuous existence as a newborn child. When the loss of a child was commonplace, parents protected themselves from the emotional consequences of the death by refusing to make an emotional commitment to the infant. How else can we explain mothers who call the infant or leave dying babies in gutters, or mention the death of a child in the same paragraph with a reference to pickles?

BOne of the most important social changes to take place in the Western world in 18th century was the result of the movement from an agrarian economy to an industrial one. Increasingly, families left the farms and their small-town life and moved to cities where life was very different for them. Social supports that had previously existed in the smaller community disappeared, and problems of poverty, crime, sub-standard housing and disease increased. For the poorest children, childhood could be painfully short, as additional income was needed to help support the family and young children were forced into early employment. Children as young as 7 might be required to work full-time jobs, often under unpleasant and unhealthy circumstances, from factories to prostitution. Although such a role for children has disappeared in most economically strong nations, the practice of childhood employment has hardly disappeared entirely and remains a staple (主要的)in many undeveloped nations.

COver the course of the 1800s, the lives of children in the Unites States began to change drastically. Previously, children in both rural and urban families were expected to take part in the everyday labor of the home, as the bulk of manual work had to be completed there. However, establishing a background the technological advances of the mid-1800s, coupled with the creation of a middle class and the redefinition of roles of family members, meant that work and home became less synonymous(同义的)over the course of time. People began to buy

their children toys and books to read. As the country slowly became

more dependent upon machines for work, both in rural and in urban areas, it became less necessary for children to work inside the home. This trend, which had been rising slowly over the course of the nineteenth century, look off exponentially after the Civil War, with the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. John Locke was one of the most influential writers of his period. His writings on the role of government are seen as foundational to many political movements and activities, including the American Revolution and the drafting of theDeclaration of Independence. His ideas are equally foundational to several areas of psychology. As the father of British empiricism, Locke made the first clear and comprehensive statement of the environmental position and, by so doing, became the father of modern learning theory. His teachings about child care were highly regarded during the colonial period in America.

DJean Jacquesd Rousseau lived during an era of the American and French Revolution. His works condemn distinctions of wealth, property, and prestige. In the original state of nature, according to Rousseau, people were noble savages, innocent, free and uncorrupted. Rousseau conveyed his educational philosophy through his famous novel Emile, in 1762, which tells the story of a boy's education from infancy to adulthood. Rousseau observed children and adolescents extensively and spoke of children's individuality, but he based much of his developmental theory on observation in writing the book, and on the memories of his own childhood. Rousseau contrasts children to Developmental Psychology in Historical Perspective adults and describes age-specific characteristics. Johan Heinrich Pestalozzi lived during the early stages of industrial revolution, he sought to develop schools would nurture children's development. He agreed with Rousseau that humans are naturally good but were spoiled by a corrupt society. Pestalozzi's approach to teaching can be divided into the general and special methods. The theory was designed to create an emotionally healthy homelike learning environment that had to be in place before more specific instruction occurred.

EOne of the best documented cases of all the so-called feral children concerned a young man who was captured in a small town in the south of France in 1800, and who was later named Victor. The young man had been seen in the area for months before his final capture - pre-pubescent, mute, and naked, perhaps 11 or 12 years old, foraging for food in the gardens of the locals and sometimes accepting their direct offers of food. Eventually he was brought to Paris, where it

was hoped that he would be able to answer some of the profound questions about the nature of man, but that goal was quashed very early. Jean-Marc-Gaspard Itard, a young physician who had become interested in working with the deaf, was more optimistic about a future for Victor and embarked on a five-year plan of education to civilize him and teach him to speak. With a subsidy from the government, Itard spent an enormous amount of time and effort working with Victor. He was able to enlist the help of a local woman, Madame Gu erin, to assist in his efforts and provide a semblance of a home for Victor. But, after five years and despite all of his efforts, Hard considered the experiment to be a failure. Although Victor had learned some elementary forms of communication, he never learned the basics of speech, which, for Itard, was the goal. Victor's lessons were discontinued, although he continued to live with Madame Gu erin until his death, approximately at the age of 40.

FOther educators were beginning to respond to the simple truth that was embedded in the philosophy of Rousseau. Identifying the stages of development of children was not enough. Education had to be geared to those stages. One of the early examples of this approach was the invention of the kindergarten (the childrens garden)- a word and a movement created by Friedrich Froebel in 1840, a German-born educator. Froebel placed particular emphasis on the importance of play in a child's learning. His invention, in different forms, would eventually find its way around the world. His ideas about education were initially developed through his association with Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi. Froebel spent five years teaching at one of Pestalozzi's model schools in Frankfurt, and later he studied with Pestalozzi himself. Eventually he was able to open his own schools to test his educational theories. One of his innovative ideas was his belief that women could serve as appropriate educators of young children - an unpopular view at the time. At the age of 58, after almost four decades as a teacher, Froebel introduced the notion of the kindergarten. It was to be a haven and a preparation for children who were about to enter the regimented educational system. A cornerstone of his kindergarten education was the use of guided or structured play. For Froebel, play was the most significant aspect of development at this time of life. Play served as the means for a child to grow emotionally and to achieve a sense of self-worth, the role of the teacher was to organize materials and a structured environment in which each child, as an individual, could achieve these goals. By the time of Froebels death in 1852, dozens of kindergartens had been created in Germany. Their use increased in Europe and the movement eventually reached and flourised in the United States in 20th century.

Questions 28-31

The reading passage has seven paragraphs, A-E

Choose the correct heading for paragraphs A-E from the list below.

Write the correct number, i-vii, in boxes 28-31 on your answer sheet.

List of Headings

i Reasons of unusual experiments implemented by several thinkers

ii Children had to work to alleviate burden on family

iii Why children are not highly valued

iv Children died in hospital at their early age

v Politics related philosophy appeared

vi Creative learning method was applied on certain wild kid

vii Emerge and spread of called kindergarten

28 Paragraph A


Paragraph B ii Children have to work

29 Paragraph C

30 Paragraph D

31 Paragraph E

Questions 32-35

Use the information in the passage to match the time (listed A-C) with correct event below. Write the appropriate letters A-F in boxes 32-35 on your answer sheet.

A 18th century

B 19th century

C 20th century

32 need for children to work

33 rise of middle class

34 emergence of a kindergarten

35 the kindergarten in the spread around US

Questions 36-40

Use the information in the passage to match the people (listed A-D) with opinions or deeds below. Write the appropriate letters A-D in boxes 36-40 on your answer sheet.

A Jean Jacquesd Rousseau

B Jean-Marc-Gaspard Itard

C Johan Heinrich Pestalozzi

D Friedrich Froebel

36 was not successful to prove the theory

37 observed a child's record

38 requested a study setting with emotional comfort firstly

39 corruption is not a characteristic in people's nature

40 responsible fo











Question 1-。。。



28Difficult to invest emotionally;

Call the infant it

Reference to pickles文中第四行,第八行


第一段主体内容主要是在讲婴儿在父母心中的位置,第四行 difficult to invest,以及父母call the infantit,以及最后一句讲到父母谈论孩子的死亡经常是夹杂在谈论泡菜的内容里


故此iii选项中的 not highly valued就符合这种情感走向,同时,infants又是作者主要谈论的内容,故此,选择了iii

29Change drastically;

Role of government;

Political movements and activities文章第二行



其中前八行的内容主要是再讲工业革命后,人们有能力为孩子提供更优质的生活,而从第十行开始,就在谈论政治变革为儿童生活,教育,福利所带来的变化,其中第十三行提到了Locke的文章Role of government,第十四行提到了political movements and activities,表明这段也涉及到了政治内容,因此两相结合,就比较符合V politics related philosophy appeared


30Jean Jacquesd Rousseau;

His work;Developmental Psychology;

Johan Heinrich Pestalozzi;

Pesralozzis approach文章第一行,第二行;第十四行;十五行;十八行选择标题类型题,首先应该归纳文章的主要意思,最好是能找到中心句,其次是把握作者情感走向

文章中提到了两位思想家专门研究人类的青少年时期的个性发展,并且结合了自己成长的经历,因此比较符合i选项所说的Reasons of unusual experiments implemented by several thinkers

其中第一行,第十四行的人名Jean, Johan对应了 thinkers ,第二行, 第十五行的work, approach对应了experiments


31Young man,victor,11 or 12 years old;

Five-year plan of education;

Victors lesson文章第四行到第九行,第十二行,倒数第二行选择标题类型题,首先应该归纳文章的主要意思,最好是能找到中心句,其次是把握作者情感走向

文章第四行到第九行降到了Victor这个孩子是一个野孩子,呼应了vi选项中的wild kid,同时,第十二行,倒数第二行,分别出现了Five-year plan of education;五年的教育计划,以及Victors lessons;Victor的课程


故此,选择了vi Creative learning method was applied on certain wild kid

32Children to workB段落,第十二行,support the family以及 early employment选取题干中的定位词,children to work,结合heading题,可以知道,这部分应该是工业革命前,人们的生活质量还没有发生改变的时候,因此,应该是B段落,中间偏后,即12提到了孩子们需要补贴家用,过早成为雇佣工人,第三行表述出时间为18th century,故此选择A 18thcentury

33Middle classC段落,第五行选取题干中的定位词,middle class,中产阶级,结合heading题,可知,是C段落,因此,定位到C段落中的第五行,出现了middle class,讲到中产阶级的崛起,是在19世纪的工业革命后,因此选择B



同时,因为句尾的20th century实际上是美国的幼稚园大量兴起的时间,欧洲更早,因而最初开始兴起的时间应该是19世纪中页


USF段落,最后一句选取题干中的定位词,kindergarten,US;幼稚园,美国,可以确定是F段落有讲到幼稚园,倒数第一行,因为句尾的20th century实际上是美国的幼稚园大量兴起的时间,欧洲更早,因而最初在美国开始兴起的时间应该是20世纪

36Not successfulE段落,倒数第五行 Itard considered te experiment to be a failure首先,题干中的not successful表明,我们要找到的就是失败,故此,我们知道,结合heading 题,E段落中提到了有关野孩子的教育问题里,倒数第五行,Itard认定这个实验最终是个失败,因此,选择了B选项Jean Marc-Gaspard Itard

37Childs recordD段落 第十行

Rosseau observed children and adolescents extensively题干中的childs record,结合heading 题,表明这个应该是和实验有关的,因此DE两个段落应该是可以的,其中D段落第十行提到了,Rosseau观察孩子和成人,并且结合自身的成长,写出了一本书,即为上文提到的Emile这本书,因此,选择了A

38Emotional comfort firstlyD段落,倒数第三行题干中emotional 结合heading题,我们可以知道,应该是D段落提到的内容,倒数第三行,提到了,这一理论是以在使用任何教育方式钱,创造一个情绪健康的家庭式学习环境为目的而创造出来的,而这一理论的提出人是Johan Heinrich Pestalozzi,故选择C


40Increase; number;type; schoolF段落,19行题干中 increase,number ; type of school这些词,我们结合阅读的,可以很容易了解到,最后一段提到了教育发展中kindergarten的出现,而19行以后表明,这一变化与Forbel的努力分不开的,因此选择了D选项
