雅思阅读单选题是一个比较常见的题型,也是大家都非常熟悉的一个题型。但是它的得分率并不高。因为陷阱太多,同学们很容易选错答案。这类题的做题方法就是先看题干和选项,划出关键词,然后再回到原文定位。举个例子:剑 10 test 4 passage 3中的第27题:
题目: When discussing the theory developed by Louis Dollo, the writer says that
A it was immediately referred to as Dollos law.
B it supported the possibility of evolutionary throwbacks.
C it was modified by biologists in the early twentieth century.
D it was based on many years of research.
做题过程:根据Louis Dollo,我们可以定位到原文第三段:a Belgian palaeontologist called Louis Dollo was studying fossil records and coming to the opposite conclusion. In 1890 he proposed that evolution was irreversible:Early 20th-century biologists came to a similar conclusion, though they qualified it in terms of probability, stating that there is no reason why evolution cannot run backwardsit is just very unlikely. And so the idea of irreversibility in evolution stuck and came to be known as Dollos law.
铜鼓偶比较原文和选项,发现A项说它立刻就被命名为Dollo法则,而原文明确说到此理论是经过另外一些生物学家补充说明进行修改后逐步命名的,与此相矛盾。B项说它支持了进化倒退的可能性,可是 Dollo法则的核心内容即认为进化是不可倒退的,因此此项错误。D项说它是建立在多年研究的基础之上,这是原文中完全没有提及的内容。只有C项它在20世纪初由一些生物学家进行了修改,正是本段第三句所说内容,为正确答案。
多选题在雅思考试中的频率并不高,但是难度比单选题大了一些。因为答案通常分布在多个段落中,会增加大家的定位难度。这类题的做题方法一般是先看题干和选项,划出关键词,然后边阅读边做题(这类题一般位于最后一个题型),不用专门利用关键词在原文中定位。举个例子:剑 11 test 2 passage 2中的第25~26题:
题目:On what points do Hunt and Lipo disagree with Diamond?
A the period when the moai were created
B how the moai were transported
C the impact of the moai on Rapanui society
D how the moai were carved
E the origins of the people who made the moai
做题过程:这个题的定位词是Hunt and Lipo,解题关键词是disagree with Diamond,我们需要将文章中Hunt and Lipo的观点和Diamond的观点进行比较(都是人名比较好定位)。我们可以发现:
B关于摩艾像的运输,Hunt和Lipo 二人与Diamond持不同看法; 其中Diamond的观点出现在文章C段,他认为雕像是放在木质雪橇上然后通过木轨被拉动,而Hunt和Lipo的观点出现在 E段,他们认为雕像的移动同当地说法一致,雕像可以在几个人和没有绳索的控制下直立移动。