1. 趴一,你需要流利地说出自己的想法,即答案啦
2. 趴二,你得用一分钟的时间构建你的答案的逻辑框架,然后有90秒到120秒的时间来回答
3. 趴三,自己发挥啦,说出自己的逻辑答案,尽量说长一点
1. 对于趴一,快速写出你的构思;趴二,好好整理雅思答案
2. 把你说的答案写在纸上或是电脑文本。
3. 对自己的答案进行口述,并进行录音。
4. 一步步进行提高,如果身边有那种口语很厉害的人呢,可以让他们帮忙给你的建议。
5. 对于雅思口语题库,你需要一道一道去练习。
尊敬的长辈+最亲近的家人 我的爷爷+最亲近的家人,这三个话题你都可以用这个答案的主心骨啦!
Describe an old person you respect
You should say:
Who he/she is
How you know this person
What kinds of things you like to do together and explain how you feel about this person?
Step1: 你需要对这个话题有个清晰的回答框架:
Who he/she is
How you know this person
What kinds of things you like to do together and explain how you feel about this person?
这里有3个问题,你在考试中必须要涉及到的方面。你只要根据每一个小问题来回答即可,part 2的框架就构建好了,根据我的个人经验,当涉及到新的一方面东西时,西方人说话很喜欢用as for. When it comes to, for ,in terms of等这些。大家可以在切换不同小问题之间,用这些简单连接词进行过度。Part 2的素材你可以参考别人的素材。
▲ When it comes to the one I respect the most, Id like to talk about my dear grandfather, a seventy - year - old man.
▲ To be honest, I dont remember when I knew him, probably the moment when I was born. But I know a lot about him indeed. My grandpa has a very kind smile which always gives me great comfort and encouragement especially when I am depressed. my grandfather teaches me a lot. He often tells me to be brave and dare to bear the responsibility.
▲ In terms of what wed like to do together, I think it is to turn waste into wealth. My grandpa can always find a suitable place for the junk. He often teaches me how to give in and put the junk in its suitable place. My grandpa has helped me to develop a habit of preserving everything,everything he thinks is useful, everything goes where it should go. Surprisingly,all these junk can always find their position and function fairly well(相当好地),holding small things or optimizing my bicycle so that it can operate better
▲ And another thing is that my grandpa always sits next to me and tells a lot of interesting stories. It seems he always has many stories attracting me. So we are more like a pair of
Step3: 非常熟悉自己的答案,然后录音,矫正提高!
Step4: 多重复修改几遍
Part II确实是所有人的难题,秉持同样的原则请不要给自己第二次机会,过了就过了,说得糟糕没关系我们练下一题,永远不要讲完了才想着我当时那样说就好了以上都是提高水平型的练习方法,如果到了需要快速提高分数,达到某个要求的阶段,赶紧把所有可能出现的口语题都列出来,一道一道地写答案、完善、背得滚瓜烂熟、保证去了考场很少会遇到没有你没见过的。总之!!!就是要肯下功夫最后运气比较好一次就过了以上方法是我自己在开始准备前和很多考过雅思的朋友、学长学姐们交流之后总结出的方法,自认为很好用,也跟很多人安利过,所以!!要说的就这么多了!加油吧!