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Describe a bicycle/motorbike/car trip you would like to make 你想来的一个旅途by自行车/摩托车/汽车

这道题目在Simon的体系中属于户外运动类,完全可以和自行车和野餐Picnic的话题结合起来,在给出喜欢去做的理由时加上多感官法的解释(multi-sensory feeling), 可以说去国家森林公园里骑自行车,可以欣赏风景,锻炼身体,远离城市的喧嚣,和朋友促进情感,呼吸新鲜空气等。

Describe a tall building 一个很高的建筑

建筑类总是那么唬人,这道题目也不例外;尽量往一个commercial complex上去靠,描述一个集XXX,XXX,XXX于一体的商业综合体,xxx is an ideal place for shopping, hospitality, recreation and relaxation. 然后利用八词解释(可以用到1. efficiency: get everything I need in one trip; 2. Emotion: have a cheerful mind of bumming around; 3. Person to person: catch up with my best friends at the rooftop tea house, while enjoying the panorama of whole city.)

Describe a time you needed to use your imagination 曾用到你想象力的场合

既然是用到imagination,那肯定是去从事了创造性的工作;这个可以和儿时兴趣爱好结合起来,无非是玩玩具,画画,做手工等最好入手;我们以painting为例,在画画的时候能够1. Felt fulfilled about my idea being turned into reality; 2. My ability was boosted, like hands-on skill and sense of beauty; 3.After this experience, I started to appreciate the surrounding, which laid a foundation for future即可

Describe a science subject that you are interested in 一个你感兴趣的理科课程

不喜欢的理科课程总是那么地让人心里没底,并且出现了有些考官认可math可以讲,而有些认为不行的情况,在这种情况下我们完全可以打一个迂回战术,按照science subject的定义来,你会发现很多类似于statistics, engineering, finance, economics有数理内容的完全可以讲,那不就变成了我们part1里面的why did you choose your major这道题目了吗?那么完全落入八词的伏击圈,随手就是why do I like it1. Career: promising future; 2. Quality: personal capabilities can be honed, like 3. Emotion: have a sense of fulfillment whenI study , since I am passionate about it 等,结束战斗

Describe a person who made you laugh/ Describe a song you are interested in/ Describe a creative person(Musician, inventor, etc)

这道题目完全可以引用一个非常搞笑的视频,这个视频里的人唱了一首很洗脑的歌,然后又唱又跳的让你看了之后情不自禁地开心,就行了,比如说Simon给大家的素材PPAP,如果你觉得太多人说,那你就换个角度思维,你说little apple/ PIPIPAPA/ WULIWULI不也行么?你觉得真的有人会很认真的去听内容么?考官的工作很简单,真的,就是按照评分标准的每一条逐个打分,这是一个语言能力考试,不是你的知识储备考试,仅此而已。然后用我的八词轻松搞定(emotion, quality, person to person 即可,这里的人跟人的意思是网上掀起了开脑洞填歌词和小咖秀大赛,激发了人们的想象力,欸,这里好像可以串一下a time you used your imagination)

Describe a wedding you attended 参加过的婚礼

在8月底9月初的换题节点,我精确地预测出了这道题目,当时指名道姓一定要重点准备并且在公益课上讲了大半天,果然如期而至,而这道题目也会持续到新的题库中;此题的重点是你准备下wedding vowfrom this day forward, to have and to hold, for good, for bad, for richer, for poorer, in health and in sickness, to love and to cherish, till death do us apart就够了,然后说自己多么感动,自己送上了祝福,好开心即可。


至于说要单独拿出来事件类是因为这些题目实在太多遍了,遇上生活经历丰富的出题考官,能把题目给你编出花儿来,实在让人无法下嘴,并且事件类是他们能够考察语言组织能力的主战场,毕竟我们中国的考生90%都不是很擅长story-telling (跟Simon学过讲故事三段论的同学除外),因此很多年前我研发的心情三段式就solve this issue once for all! 在我的体系中,无论你给我什么题目,我就是三个话题足矣1. 正能量,解决类似于 a difficult decision/a time you helped others/a happy event/a old family thing/a photo of yours 等等的;2. 负能量,解决类似于 a time you missed your appointment/ a time someone apologized to you/a time you learnt from your mistake/a time you were angry等;3. 中性,解决类似于 a time you organized something/a time you shared something with others/a project you did with others等;记好了,一样的配方,一样的疗效,一样的#心情三段式#
