查字典留学网 发布:2012-05-20 08:26
编者按:学习计划样本(读书计划+PS) 读书计划/个人陈述 (PERSONAL STATEMENT或STATEMENT OF PURPOSE) 读书计划是在申请过程中按... 学习计划样本(读书计划+PS)
你为什么会选择这所大学。 回答以上所有的问题并不容易,但至少有一半的问题对申请是很重要的。许多人并没有经过仔细的回顾,往往一些很相关的方面都被忽略了。审核人阅读一篇读书计划的目的,是为了能够全面地了解申请人,最糟糕的事情是你的读书计划令审阅人感到厌烦,而这却是大多数申请人正在做的事。
如果你申请了几所不同学校,你是否写了不同的读书计划。审阅人如果感到你的读书计划是完全的空谈,那么会把整个材料否定的。如墨尔本大学(University of Melbourne)招生办主任在谈到读书计划时说:“最令我们失望的是,当我们在阅读一篇读书计划时,我们十分清楚这名申请人对我们学校一无所知,而可以把这篇文章寄到全澳大利亚的各个大学。”以上几点是在写读书计划是应当注意的,如果注意到这些,写一篇优秀的读书计划就并不是那么难了。
To Whom It May Concern:
Re: Application of Student Visa to study in RMIT University
In additional to all my documents provided, I would like to take this opportunity to write a personal statement to clarify the main reasons that drive me to study in Australia.
I was born in 1981, the starting period of China's economy reform designed and implemented under the leadership of Mr. De Xiaoping. I have witnessed the dramatic changes in the continuous infrastructure construction, observable improvement of living standards, greater enrichment of social life, gradual deregulation of policies and strong growth of local economy. All the positive sides make everybody fond of the market economy, especially my parents, both of who are managers of property development companies. My parents have great influence on me, so when I was young, I start to learn how to keep abreast of the modern society by learning the new knowledge and skills.
The world is already heading toward the new economy, although there are still some turmoil in certain fields and period. The explosive information technology changed the world in such quick and significant manners that many economists can't explain well. Meanwhile, China is joining WTO, the economy at this moment is growing at 8% annually, by further eliminating non-tariff barriers and reduce tariff rates, China's market will experience huge structural changes and countless opportunities will emerge to make China the hottest spot in the world economy. As a Chinese student, I am living in a new age that China is in shortage of personnel with proficient English skills, overseas education background and capability to merge east and west cultures.
By choosing to study in RMIT University in Melbourne Australia, there are a few advantages that I can achieve my goal:
Australia is a multicultural country, and RMIT university is a well-known multicultural university. I can learn how to interact within different cultures to improve my interpersonal skills. I also can build up a network that comprises friends from different countries and areas.
Australia enjoys vast land, abundant resources, mild weather and well-managed security, it is the best destination to study.
Australia has the world class educational systems, and RMIT university is well-know for its practical mission and provident objectives. By learning its IT courses, I can become an IT professional recognised in Australia and China and other places as I will have obtained professional IT skills.
Australia has good relationship with China and Australia is also changing its old economy image by actively engaged into cooperation between APEC countries and regions. China is certainly the biggest potential market for Australia. With my multicultual background and Australian experience and skills, when I have completed study in Australia and returns China, I can participate into the development of business cooperation or any other relationship
In short, by choosing to study in RMIT University in Australia, I will benefit greatly from the extraordinary experience for building up my professional career, and I will help to build China, my motherland, into a well-managed market economy country.
I look forward that my application can be assessed and approved at your earliest convenience!
Two scenes stand out in my mind from my visit to Brazil's Wetland: Forests burning before seed planting and trees as hedgerows. Before the planting season, I could see the leafless remnants of burnt trees still standing. The burning of pristine forests destroys both the habitats and countless species which depend on and thrive in these habitats. The few remaining bare, scarred trees silently convey the cost to our natural resources of pursuing our economic interests. Some forests are preserved by government edict issued in response to international pressure. But most of this preservation occurs alongside major roads — not to protect the ecosystem, but to prevent disturbance to ranches and farms along the highways. The clash between economic and environmental concerns that I witnessed in Brazil fascinates me and attracts me to the Environmental Studies Program.
Two courses in my geography department increased my interest in the connection between the environment and economics: Conservation of Underdeveloped Countries and Environmental Impact Analysis. In the former, we studied the problems of natural resource management in developing countries. The balance is always tilted toward economics growth at the expense of environmental preservation. For example, because the Pantanal Wetland could become a highly productive agricultural system once it’s drained, it is drained regardless of the destruction that drainage causes to the ecosystem. Only portions of the wetland are preserved for tourist purposes.
The other course that piqued my interest is an interdisciplinary course called Environmental Impact Analysis in which we, as a group, created matrix and flow diagrams discussing the economic and environmental impact of logging and preservation of old growth forests. I was able to use tools that I acquired in my economics and environmental studies classes. In general, logging creates economic benefits at the local level. It increases employment in the timber industry and subsequently in related non-timber industries; it also benefits local government. Yet, it has great deleterious environmental effects: soil erosion, watershed destruction, and a decrease in specie diversity due to loss of habitat. The logging industry represents the classic clash between economic and environmental interests.
I also took two sequential classes in the economics department that are related to Resource Management — Theories of Growth Development and Policies for Economic Development. Because the courses were taught by a professor who is concerned chiefly with economic growth, I learned the standard economic rationalizations for development unrestrained by environmental concerns.
In addition to my interest in resource management policies, I have a specific interest in Geographical Information System (GIS), a powerful tool for natural resource management. After taking several related classes in GIS, I began interning for the National Park Service (NPS). After I learn how to use ARC/INFO, a leading GIS package, I will assist the NPS in constructing projects. Some of my duties include spatial and non-spatial data analysis, digitizing themes such as fire locations, vegetation, wildlife habitats, etc., and tabular and graphical presentation of results. I hope to use the tools I acquire during this internship in my continuing study of our environment.
I would like to study the social and economic factors that influence environmental policy formation. For example, because people worry more about pollution than endangered species, laws and regulations concerning environmental pollution are more numerous and stricter than for bio-diversity. Within the School of Environmental Studies, I have a particular interest in the emphasis: Economics, Policy, and Management. This emphasis deals with how economic factors can create negative externalities, such as pollution, and need to be regulated. This emphasis also tries to consider non-economic values, such as aesthetic pleasure and specie diversity. It also discusses tools like GIS and system analysis that apply to environmental management. Because of my interest in GIS, economics, and environmental studies, this emphasis suits me perfectly. Furthermore, the interdisciplinary approach of the School of Environmental Studies attracts me since it combines social science’s strengths with a knowledge of the natural sciences necessary to protect and preserve the environment.
After completing my masters program, I would like to continue my education and obtain a Ph.D. in natural resource management. This degree would enable me to combine a teaching career with advising business and government on natural resource management issues. Teaching college students is more than a one-way channel; I would also learn from their questions like my professors have from mine. In advising business and government, I can help them strike a balance between economic and environmental concerns. GIS will be a useful tool in helping me give them crucial information.
I have enjoyed an interdisciplinary approach in my environmental studies major and become fascinated by the clash between social interests, especially economics, and environmental needs. I pursued an additional major in economics to better understand this conflict. Furthermore, my work for the NPS will train me in the latest techniques in natural resource management. I would like to continue exploring this clash and resource management in the School of Environmental Studies. Ultimately, I would like to teach and work in natural resource management. Ideally, I would like to find ways for allowing development while preventing the burning of beautiful and valuable eco-systems like the Pantanal Wetland.
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