

查字典留学网   发布:2013-11-27 17:24

留学网小编总结了出国留学文书写作的技巧,希望对出国留学的同学有所帮助。 抽象名词的力量

很多英语专业的朋友可能听到外教们不止一次地建议,在英文写作中要多尝试用动词代替名词,因为他们认为动词更有力度,更容易领会。这个建议本身并没有错,但与中文不同的是,英语词型灵活多变。例如,动词lead,可变为leader ,这对中国学生来说是比较容易理解的部分。然而,lead 和 leader 这两个本来有具体含义的词,还可以进一步变为抽象的leadership。我们在申请文书特别是推荐信中经常使用到leadership,虽然这个词的概念并不难理解,但中国人很难找到相应的中文词语。通常情况下,leadership被翻译为领导才能,这样我们就犯了以偏盖全的错误,因为领导才能是一个具体名词,而leadership比领导才能的含义多得多。中国的英语学习者不难理解She married a welathy person who comes from an influential and powerful political family或者She married into a wealthy and powerful political family,因为family和person都是具体名词,但是要明白She married a powerful political political dynasty就不是那么容易了。因为 dynasty是个抽象名词。



Drawing on the scholarship of the ancient China, Profe or Joseph Needham and his Chinese collaborators at Cambridge University wrote what was to become the colo al 25 volumes of Science and Civilization in China.



具体: She has become so famous that her name is synonymous to one of the la in this university.

抽象: She has become an i titution in one of the la in this university.

具体: Mr.Liu is one of the youngest Fellows of the National Scoiety and a most distinguished biochemist.

抽象: Mr.Liu is one of the youngest Fellows of the National Scoiety and a biochemist of co iderable distinction.

具体: My US friends took me to a great many historical corners in campus of Harvard and shared with me abundant information, which I could hardly have obtained in any other way.

抽象: My US friends offered me a remarkable orientation of Harvard's history, which I could hardly have obtained in any other way.

具体: You must seek the word, the verb, and the adjective that best captures your ideas, and never be satisfied with the ones that only come close to what you want to convey.

抽象: You must seek the word, the verb, and the adjective that best captures your ideas, and never be satisfied with a roximatio .

注意,我们承认英语中存在大量的抽象名词,但并不等于说这些词广泛适用。有些时候这些词过于抽象,读者得不到较切实的印象。拿Mi Wu had great succe in her study这句化来说,Mi Wu reached the top ladder of her study就比它形象具体得多了。我们不说We go to great length of serving customers with courtesy,而说We serve our cu tomers with a smile.








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